We see the Phoenix rising from the Ashes

Those who see in Black and White say “She/He rises.” Those who see in PHull Color say “She/He was launched again.”
America translated Nietzsche’s concept of the Uberman into the word Superman. All balloon. While the original German Ubermensch is better defined as “a transcendent human being.” (Yuuyaraq in our Alaskan Yupik culture.) And, as a transcendent human being, we are asked to be better than human, or better than ourselves - which is a growth mindset. And, points to a human being who understands her/his responsibility to the web of life; connected to the earth.
Zarathustra’s character knew the Ubermensch as the creator of a new world, through a new way of seeing. He saw a big enough balloon on top of a web that is interconnected to other webs, across the world, and that is connected to webs, all the way down. (As an aside, der Letzte Mensch is the “last human being” - this human is the anti-thesis of our webbed human being, as the “last human being” lacks ambition, resilience, and seeks conformity, primarily because She/He stands alone, in a crowd.)
Those who see in Black and White talk of “toughen up,”, “Deal with it,” and “That’s life!” They tell others “Don’t be so sensitive,” “Suck it up,” “Don’t take things so personally,” “Eat what is served,” and “Accentuate the positive.”
The more people see the world in black and white and focus on the balloon, the less we’ll be able to see the whole world around the whole child. The less we see people and their developmental ecologies in PHull Color, the less we’ll be able to affect the conditions that set up people to be Ubermensch. And, the less we’ll know which conditions to amplify and invest in, and which conditions no longer serve human beings.
Our ROY G BIV model does have elements that accentuate the positive, play to strengths, but it is ALWAYS in the context of “What is your net's worth? ” or “Is your net working for you?” We do not define resilience as “deal with it.” That is far too simple, and will eventually wear anyone down, and out. Instead, we invite people to be resilient by seeing themselves in PHull Color and working to add value to their web, through adding value through the webs of others.
Our definition of resilience is profoundly deep. We define it as “I need a web, and I know I have the knowledge, skills, and support to get one, to grow one, and to sustain one.”
Very few are able to rise, like the Phoenix, the first time, without support. And, if the wrongly conceptualized American concept of Superman does rise on his/her own, odds are even less that they will rise, a second time, without a web.
Welcome to Driblets

With a grand design in mind, we unfurl our drop clothes. The paint stirred, new brushes at the ready. The work of making life more beautiful, adding value, is upon us.
Some areas will allow the colors to be applied with large brushes and broad strokes. Other areas will require small brushes, more patience and will take more time. We will find places that need special tools to apply the color evenly. We will be deliberate, and use delicate strokes, knowing that the whole job needs to be done well.
Coloring the world first asks us to see what is possible, and then we must act. All of us have an artist within. This artistry requires a broad set of skills and instincts that are acquired through practice, under the guidance of someone who knows more than us. As we apply color, we learn. We improve. The results of our work is visible; to ourselves and others.
Whether a teen or an adult, you are the result of the strokes of others. These others are parents, extended family members, teachers, members of your faith community, neighbors, youth program leaders, and others. Whether a teen or an adult, you are also the result of the strokes that you applied to your world. As you matured from childhood and entered your teen years, you gradually accepted more responsibility for holding your own brush; for coloring your own world.
This blog is about that journey. It is for the teen who is practicing moving from black and white to PHull Color. It is for the adult who wants to support a teen in coloring their world. It is for the teen who is ready to change by adding more or different colors. It is for the adult who wants to do the same.
Here you'll find driblets; of color. Small dabs of insights, drops of instruction, and globs of support. From these driblets, I expect that you'll find your own style, and your unique, individual way.
We are the artists of our own lives and the lives of others. The opportunities, skills, and support we receive all work together determine the content and contentment of our lives. Welcome to the journey. Let's get it right. Because this matters. Most.