“A Stroke of Genius!”
Consistently and predictably, our data shows (in every school, city, region, and country where we have worked) that two distinct communities of teens exist. And, one group is in trouble.
Some people believe the difference is between teens who are rich vs. poor. Others understand the difference as good vs. bad teens or teens from single parent vs. intact families. And, these days there are too many who fear the difference in teens is best explained by their race, creed, or culture.
The GOOD NEWS. None of the above labels define the difference between teens.
Thankfully, our research has uncovered the answer. We know the cause of this gap.
Yes, the difference lies in the have vs. have nots. But, as we said before, it is not wealth, education, family, nor race.
Our research shows that HAVES live upon a thick developmental ecology (a web of support.) While, HAVE NOTS are raised within a thin web of support.
Yes, it is tough to grow and sustain a thick developmental ecology for teens. We know the web offers the foundation necessary for attaining an education, earning a living, finding a family, and learning to flourish within a broad range of cultures and norms.
Welcome to my blog. I hope you’ll use the information presented here as your palette to seeing teens, and yourself in PHull Color. I hope it encourages you to add color(s) to the lives of every teen you know, love, and support. It is these colors that will essentially assure their success.